Welcome to the Social Stager, Your New Content Creation BFF.

Woohoo! You made it. I'm so excited for you and glad that you made the decision to invest in yourself and your business with this unique Instagram program. To gain access to the content plan, click the button below and copy it into your Google Drive.

get the program
hey, friend!

The Social Stager Program

Here’s What You Get

60-Day Content plan

This content plan has been tailored to helping home stagers build their brand and stand out on social media. Just copy it into your Google Drive & start customizing it.

80+ social media templates

We've created all the social media graphics for you. You just need to customize them to your brand colors and input your company information. Click the links below to copy them into your Canva library and get started.

Engagement strategy guide

No more spending hours lost on Instagram watching cute cat or cooking videos! This guide will teach you how to engage strategically on Instagram so you can connect with your ideal clients and get more leads from social media. Just click the link below to download the guide.

time to design!

Grab Your Templates

Now that you've got the content plan copied into your Google Drive, it's time to grab your templates and copy them into your Canva account. When you click the button below, you'll get taken to a page where you can access the templates. Choose to use the templates in a new design to copy them into your account.

get the templates

Start engaging

Get the Engagement Guide

Ready to learn how to engage on social media so that you attract your ideal audience, foster connections and relationships with followers, and get more engagement and leads? Then click the button below to grab my shiny engagement guide and start learning how to use Instagram to grow your business.

Get the Guide

No, you absolutely do not need to post every day. I recommend posting 3-4 x a week to your feed for optimum results. If however that seems like too much for you, pick a posting schedule that you can be consistent with. Consistency is what matters more than how many days a week you're posting.

do i have to post every day?

While you don't have to post content every day, I do recommend following the program as it has been laid out for you. The reason being is that I've created the content plan based on your core content pillars and on sharing a variety of content designed to attract, inspire, educate, and nurture your audience. You can swap out the staging projects you feature however, if there are rooms you really want to show off.

do i have to follow the plan exactly?

The content plan is a Google spreadsheet that you have to copy into your own Google Drive to be able to use it. Once you click the button (above) you'll get taken to a page that prompts you to "make a copy" of the program into your Drive. As soon as you do that you'll be able to open it and start using the program. For proprietary reasons we do not allow you to access the Master Copy so please do not request access to it. If for some reason you're unable to copy the program into your account, please contact me.

How do i access the content plan?

Frequently Asked Questions

do i need to create reels?

Yes, I strongly recommend that you create Reels as laid out in the content plan. The reason Reels is so important to your success is that video is the most widely viewed, shared, and engaged with type of content on Instagram. The more Reels you can create, the more growth and engagement you'll see with your account.

do i need to engage every day on instagram?

You should aim to engage on Instagram for a minimum of between 20-30 minutes daily. This will help you get more engagement on your posts and Stories, connect with your audience, and develop trust with your followers. All of which leads to growth on the platform and makes it more likely that followers will click over to your website, send you a DM, or book a consultation with you.

what do i do at the end of the 60 days?

At the end of the 60-days, I'm hoping you'll have gotten into a rythmn of posting content and really started to see some solid growth and engagement on Instagram. First, before you make any decisions, I recommend diving into your analytics to see over the past two months, what content really resonated with ... and what content didn't. From there, you can re-use the content plan format to create your own content plan based on your analytics and the types of posts your audience loved. Remember - you need a variety of content so this may mean experimenting with some different types of posts following the same theme. For example, if your audience didn't resonate with your staging tips in a graphic post format, try making it into a Reel and see what the results are. 

If you're overwhelmed by social media, don't have the time or ability to create a strategy, content plan or the content for your account then I invite you to check out our services to see how we can support you.

The bottom line is, you need to be marketing your home staging business on social media if you want to grow and thrive. If you need help, we'd love to support you and help you reach your goals.

Join the Social Savvy Club

Looking for more resources to help you maximize your results on Instagram? Then I've got two more guides for you! Learn how to optimize your IG profile and 

Plus, you'll also get my often poignant, sometimes funny, but always helpful marketing newsletters.

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