
Salt & Shore Staging Designs | Home Staging Brand Development

Home staging website design and brand development

September 20, 2024

I’m Heather.
I'm a home staging expert, marketing nerd, and I'm passionate about helping social media marketing simple for stagers. 
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Home staging brand development is essential for any staging business looking to stand out in a crowded market. One of the key reasons why so many home stagers struggle to differentiate themselves in their marketplace is that they haven’t invested the time in building a solid brand. Branding your business has many benefits, including increased client loyalty, more referrals, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and better overall brand awareness.

For my client, Rhonda Hornick, founder of Salt & Shore Staging Designs, branding was a game-changer. Rhonda came to me knowing she needed a cohesive, luxury brand that resonated with her ideal clients in Florida’s competitive home staging market. Through a complete brand development and website design project, we transformed her business into one that captures the essence of the luxury coastal lifestyle.

Rhonda describes the transformation best in her own words:

“I call Heather Cook the ‘brand whisperer.’ She took my ‘meh’ business face and transformed it into ‘wowww,’ simply by digging a little deep and then transforming how I actually present myself—not to the world, but to my ideal client. Brilliant. I love that.”

The Challenge: Creating an Authentic Brand that Stands Out

Rhonda’s original business name didn’t align with the type of contemporary coastal designs she created, the services she offered, or the clientele she wanted to work with. Most of all, it didn’t reflect her. For that reason, I decided during the branding process that she needed a whole new brand identity, including a new name for her staging company.

One of the things we discussed during our initial branding session was that Rhonda didn’t feel like her brand truly represented her. She also realized that if she wanted to differentiate herself in her market, she needed to really dive into what made her unique. This would be especially important if she wanted to attract real estate agents specializing in high-end or luxury properties, as this was her staging specialty. She knew the importance of having a solid brand identity to differentiate her company and align her services with the luxury vacant staging market.

Creating a Coastal Luxe Staging Brand

Our first step in the home staging brand development process was to select a new name for Rhonda’s company. She wanted a name that spoke to what she did, where she lived, and the type of staging she did. After much collaboration, Salt & Shore Staging Designs was created.

Finalizing Rhonda’s new company name was one of the best moments in the process. I could see how much more confident she felt with this new name, which better aligned with who she was and what she did. We both loved how the name perfectly captured the luxurious, coastal aesthetic she wanted her brand to embody.

From there, I developed a visual brand identity with a gorgeous coastal color palette, contemporary font pairings, and a new logo with a great contemporary Florida vibe.

I further enhanced Rhonda’s brand identity with a compelling mission statement, unique selling proposition, and brand story that perfectly captured her passion for home staging and showed how she differs from other local home stagers.

Creating these essential brand elements gives her a strong visual brand and helps create compelling messaging that speaks to and resonates with her ideal audience.

As Rhonda puts it:

“If you find yourself getting overwhelmed with the prospect of completely changing the look, feel, and direction of your business like I was, don’t worry—Heather’s got your back. She combines over a decade of relevant experience as a luxury staging entrepreneur with a refreshing passion for elevating her clients’ businesses through everything marketing.”

Website Design: Elevating Salt & Shore’s Online Presence

With her brand identity complete, we focused on creating a new website for her company. Rhonda knew having a website was critical to helping her establish credibility with local real estate agents, showcase her expertise, and build brand awareness. We understand the power of a home staging website, especially when it’s the primary way prospective clients find and vet their home staging professionals.

I designed a clean, contemporary website that reflected the coastal luxury feel of her brand. It featured a dedicated portfolio of her stunning staging work, a clear breakdown of her services, and offered easy ways for potential clients to reach out or get a staging quote online. The website was visually cohesive, reinforcing the luxury staging brand that Rhonda had built.

In addition to the website, I developed a social media strategy to build Rhonda’s brand awareness. I created beautiful, branded social media templates and a content plan to help her grow her presence on platforms like Instagram and Facebook—key for attracting her ideal clients and building a recognizable brand online.

Results: Transforming Rhonda’s Home Staging Business

The results of Rhonda’s home staging brand development were remarkable. After launching her new website and implementing her social media strategy, Salt & Shore Staging Designs stood out in the Florida market. With her new branding, beautifully designed posts, and optimized profile, her social media platforms were now excellent marketing tools she could use to attract and connect with her ideal audience.

Rhonda summed up the transformation in her testimonial:

“I have gone from scattered and competing on price in my staging business to focused and competing on value for my ideal client. The transformational work Heather orchestrated for my business has inspired me to excel with confidence. #forevergrateful”

These results speak to the power of having a well-defined brand—it doesn’t just elevate your business; it shifts the way your clients perceive the value you bring.

Elevate Your Home Staging Business with Strong Brand Development

A cohesive brand identity and a polished website aren’t just “nice to have” elements—they are essential tools for standing out and succeeding in today’s competitive home staging market. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level with professional home staging brand development, let’s work together to create a brand that reflects your style, attracts your ideal clients, and helps your business grow.

Learn more about my brand development services, and let’s create a home staging brand that will help your business stand out.

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